WP7 - Management & coordination
T.7.1 Project Management
Managerial areas of the project consist of:
- project management – strategic and operational management (monitoring, controlling, risk management, quality management, IP and knowledge management),
- project administration (contracts, subcontracts, reports, finance),
- synchronizing communication.
The overall responsibility for this Work Package is held by Project Coordinator (PC), who also deals with strategic management. Project Manager is liable for operational day-to-day management and providing support and necessary resources, in particular – ERA Chair holder, but also WP leaders. ERA Chair holder shall be a Scientific Coordinator.
The Project will be managed and monitored on two complementary levels:
- first level - based on everyday contact face to face in PSO or in lab, but also through email or phone,
- second level - based on working meetings for all persons involved in the project.
T.7.2 Project sustainability and innovation management
Sustainability & innovation management will be introduced on two parallel levels:
- PC’s responsibility as a part of strategic management and supervision over the work of PSO. PC will attend working meetings and evaluate planned actions in terms of:
- innovation in terms of scientific excellency and care for innovative level of initiated interdisciplinary researches
- the sustainability of effects.
- Sustainability & innovation management will also be implemented through introduction to the agenda of ERA Chair Advisory Board – evaluation of up-to-date actions in terms of their innovativeness and influence on the future performance of IPC.
To measure innovativeness and sustainability of the project effects a new measuring tool was introduced - "Evolution of the publications in high impact journals in the relevant research fields".
T.7.3 Organization of the Meetings
- Meetings of ERA Chair Advisory Board: On ECB will be sitting: ERA Chair holder, Project Coordinator, ERC grant holders, authority representatives, business representatives. Members of ECB will exchange information, assess the progress of the project, give advice, assess the implementation of the project.
- Working meetings: PC, PM, WP Leaders and staff employed in the Project engaged in the Project’s realization (besides operational informal meetings) will meet at least 4 times a year.
T.7.4 Preparation of the Reports
Regular summary of WP reports will be produced every 6 months and reported to the Coordinator starting from M10. Periodical reports will be produced after each ECB meeting (incl. kick-off M10, and final - M60). Project Coordinator will produce reports to the European Commission after each reporting period, as well as a final report evaluating the outcomes of the project - will be produced at the end of the project (M60) and delivered to EC.