Enhancing microvasculature maps for Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCT-A)

Photonics Letters of Poland 2018 | 10(3) | 61-63

Mounika Rapolu, Paulina Niedźwiedziuk, Dawid Borycki, Paweł Wnuk, Maciej Wojtkowski


OCT-A is becoming more popular in recent years and there is a high demand to improve the quality of angiograms as well as to extract quantitative information. We applied various processing methods for microvasculature enhancement like Hessian-Frangi to a data set obtained with Bessel and Gaussian OCT systems. We used angiogenesis, fractal and multifractal analysis to extract more quantitative information. We applied the processing methods for healthy, stroke, tumor progression and the results of enhanced processing and quantitative analysis for those are presented in this letter.

Full article

This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 666295.