Innovation Source: VSParticle: spin-off company of the Technical University Delft – Production of nanoparticle


The second open lecture under a series of “Innovation source” was held on the 28th March, 2017 at the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS (IPC). Vincent Laban was invited to the Institute by the CREATE Project Coordinator, professor Robert Holyst. Vincent Laban is a CFO of VSParticle - a Dutch startup company from Delft University of Technology specialised in the development of nanoparticle generators. The main goal of the visit was to deliver a lecture “VSParticle: spin-off company of the Technical University Delft – Production of nanoparticle”. The whole society of IPC, with IPC researchers and doctoral students, was invited.



This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 666295.
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