Lab visits
Lab visit to the Princeton University
The main goal of Łukasz Richter trip was a lab visit in a group of Prof. Howard A. Stone at Princeton University (NJ, USA). In collaboration with Paweł Żuk from Prof. Stone's lab they recently started theoretical analysis of results obtained during his research internship at Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal in Bordeaux, where Łukasz used surface forces apparatus (SFA).
Patrycjusz Stremplewski visits Department of Pharmacology at Case Western Reserve University
Two-photon excitation fluorescence imaging of the back of the eye allows visualization of subcellular structures in the living animal eye. This method is helpful for investigating mechanisms of retinal diseases and development of ophthalmic therapies. However, anterior optics of the animal eye poorly transmit light at desired wavelengths.
Lab visit to Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry
The lab visit under CREATE project took place at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, in the group of Prof. Petra Schwille. During the two-week stay Łukasz Piątkowski worked together with Dr. Henri Franquelim, a senior Postdoc specialized in studies of mechanical properties of lipid bilayers.
Lab visit to the University of California Irvine
J. Bogusławski, P. Ciąćka and Ł. Kornaszewski, members of prof. Wojtkowski's group spent three weeks at the University of California Irvine on a research visit to Palczewski Lab (part of the Center of Translational Vision Research). The aim of the visit was to build a custom two-photon-excited-fluorescence scanning light ophthalmoscope (SLO) for murine eyes.
Lab visit to Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Mounika Rapolu participated in the lab visit to the BIOMEDICAL PHOTONIC IMAGING LAB headed by Professor Wang-Yuhl (William) Oh at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. The Institute is involved in learning the techniques for in-vivo mouse brain surgery protocol to achieve high-quality cranial window and imaging with contrast agent intralipid with 1300 nm optical coherence microscopy(OCM).
Visit of Dawid Borycki to the University of California
The aim of this visit was to perform collaborative experiments with interferometric Near Infrared Spectroscopy (iNIRS) to quantify optical properties of turbid media. During this visit, the novel correlation gating approach was utilized to post-process the captured data in order to derive optical properties: group index, scattering and absorption coefficients, scattering anisotropy and reduced scattering coefficient.