Study visit at Baltic Insitute of Technology
Łukasz Kornaszewski, Jakub Bogusławski and Piotr Ciąćka, POB group members, visited the group collaborators in the field of human two-photon vision studies. Researchers wanted to examine thoroughly the experimental setup which is complicated and on a high level of automation. This is actually a standalone system for human microperimetry measurements. Currently, there is a controversy of assumptions and calculations in the comparison of two lasers used as light sources and we wanted to help and resolve this.
Researchers examined the system and understood the optical path through its components. They measured the optical spectra of both lasers in comparison and analyzed their shapes for abnormalities. This check did not solve any questions but produced data that will be used for publication. Researchers performed a complete calculation of laser pulse peak power to try and eliminate any potential mistakes in the current approach. A few issues have been identified in the previous calculations but removing these did not explain the discrepancy between lasers. Łukasz suggested a cross-check method for establishing a clear explanation if the laser difference is caused by the experimental setup or it is a fundamental phenomenon that has been found in the two-photon vision process. He proposes to use a two-photon photodiode (made of GaAsP or GaP) to mimic the two-photon absorption action of photoreceptor cells in the retina and measurement of the voltage resulting from the illumination of this detector. This test will answer the question of whether it is the eye or the setup that introduces the unexplained so far difference.
Jakub Bogusławski
Piotr Ciąćka
Łukasz Kornaszewski
Sep. 18 – 20, 2019
Gdynia, Poland