
Gordon Research Conference on Lasers in Medicine & Biology

Gordon Research Conference on Lasers in Medicine & Biology

The Gordon Research Conferences provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of frontier research in the biological, chemical, and physical sciences, and their related technologies.

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Working visit to Optical Biomedical Imaging Group lab

Working visit to Optical Biomedical Imaging Group lab

The purpose of the visit was twofold: for the new group members to learn the experimental setup and procedure of two-photon vision threshold measurement and to verify the applicability of an existing product of Fluence, manufacturer of femtosecond fibre lasers, for this technique.

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Lab visit to Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry

Lab visit to Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry

The lab visit under CREATE project took place at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, in the group of Prof. Petra Schwille. During the two-week stay Łukasz Piątkowski worked together with Dr. Henri Franquelim, a senior Postdoc specialized in studies of mechanical properties of lipid bilayers.

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Working visit to Swiss Federal Institute of Technology- EPFL

Working visit to Swiss Federal Institute of Technology- EPFL

During the visit to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland), Łukasz Richter carried out research in Prof. Francesco Stellacci’s group. The main goals of the working visit were 1) to get familiar with techniques of synthesizing and analyzing gold nanoparticles and 2) to analyze the influence of these nanoparticles on bacteriophages (viruses that attack bacteria).

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Working visit to Neurophotonics Laboratory, University of California Davis, USA

Working visit to Neurophotonics Laboratory, University of California Davis, USA

The purpose of this business trip was to perform collaborative work on the interferometric near-infrared spectroscopy (iNIRS). More specifically, experiments to quantify optical properties in dynamic media were performed. Then, the data was processed numerically using the new method of correlation gating to separate ballistic and scattered light transmitted through thick samples.

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Lab visit to the University of California Irvine

Lab visit to the University of California Irvine

J. Bogusławski, P. Ciąćka and Ł. Kornaszewski, members of prof. Wojtkowski's group spent three weeks at the University of California Irvine on a research visit to Palczewski Lab (part of the Center of Translational Vision Research). The aim of the visit was to build a custom two-photon-excited-fluorescence scanning light ophthalmoscope (SLO) for murine eyes.

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Lab visit to Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Lab visit to Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Mounika Rapolu participated in the lab visit to the BIOMEDICAL PHOTONIC IMAGING LAB headed by Professor Wang-Yuhl (William) Oh at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. The Institute is involved in learning the techniques for in-vivo mouse brain surgery protocol to achieve high-quality cranial window and imaging with contrast agent intralipid with 1300 nm optical coherence microscopy(OCM).

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IPC PAS starts cooperation with a leading university in China

IPC PAS starts cooperation with a leading university in China

Polish physical chemistry is joining forces with Chinese medical and molecular biology and biochemistry. In Tianjin an agreement has been signed on long-term cooperation between the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Nankai University, one of the highest ranked research units in China.

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Winner of the top scientific prizes in Poland to create a new department at IPC PAS

Winner of the top scientific prizes in Poland to create a new department at IPC PAS

Advanced methods of optical imaging will be the main topic of research of the Department of Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems, cominginto being at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academyof Sciences under the prestigious European ERA Chairs grant.The new department will be headed by Prof. Maciej Wojtkowski, physicist and winnerof the “Polish Nobel Prize” – the Award of the Foundation for Polish Science.

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Inspiration needs new tools

Inspiration needs new tools

Prof. Maciej Wojtkowski, physicist, head of the Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems Department currently coming into being at the Institute of Physical Chemistry in Warsaw and winner of the prestigious European ERA Chairs grant talks to science journalist Jarek Chrostowski.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 666295.