CREATE project Advisory Board appointed
Reputable representatives from a sector of science (Professor Wilhelm Huck - Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University, Nijmegen), business (Rafał Bator – Partner at Enterprise Investors, Justyna Garstecka – CEO and founder of Motherhood) and authorities (Mateusz Gaczyński – Deputy Director at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education) will be sitting on the CREATE Project Advisory Board. Professor Robert Hołyst from the Institute will be chairing the Advisory Board.
The board will provide advice to Professor Maciej Wojtkowski - ERA Chair holder and founder of the Department of Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems at IPC, and team managing the CREATE project.
“The Advisory Board will sit at the centre of the CREATE Project, providing strategic advice and establishing communication channel between IPC and its main stakeholders.” says Agnieszka Tadrzak, CREATE Project Manager.
Specific character of the project assuming introduction to IPC research programme of new research fields requires engagement of various actors, representing different fields of expertise.
“The CREATE project is aimed at better exploitation of IPC research potential and development of applied research, in particular, in the field of modern optics, analytical chemistry and modern biological chemistry. We are seeking advice to ensure applicability of research results and focus on only up-to-date technologies, located at the frontier of knowledge.”
Appointed members of the Advisory Board have a very good record in technology/ business development, co-financed by public and private sources.
“Therefore, we are honoured that persons of combined expertise and experience, often acting as intermediaries between business and science, agreed to advise us on the project.”
The new IPC Department of Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems, managed by Professor Wojtkowski, should reach its operational capacity in 2017, which is also the starting date for development of new interdisciplinary projects.