NCP_WIDE.NET Bulletin about CREATE
A new issue of NCP_WIDE.NET Bulletin, which is an official bulletin of a network of National Contact Points, has just arrived. Inside (p. 11) there is a 4-pages article on the CREATE project.
"ERA Chairs: where innovation is CREATED" written by Agnieszka Tadrzak, CREATE Project Manager, explains the foreground of the project, describes research profile of the acquired ERA Chair holder - Professor Maciej Wojtkowski, and his contribution to closing excellence gap between the Institute of Physical Chemistry, PAS and the European Research Area. It also explains research conducted by Professor Wojtkowski and his team in popular science language. In particular, it shows potential impact of this research on health of Europeans - i.e. possibilty to elaborate new therapies against various visual dysfunctions, including age-related.
C'mon - read it!